Saturday, January 26, 2008

Akaroa - Swimming with Hector Dolphins! [January 13 - 15]

On Saturday I traveled to Akaroa, which is just beneath Christchurch. On Sunday I went swimming with Hector Dolphins, the rarest and smallest Dolphins in the world. It was mind blowing....

That is not me, but it gives you an idea how we swam.

Me, being really cold. That is hot tea I am drinking there.

One of the many caves alongside the shores of the harbor.

Hector Dolphins. They grow up to 1.20 meter.

Akaroa Bay.

View from the hostel...

More later...


Schoppertje said...

Ik doe nog ween poging om een 'comment' te plaatsen.
Het zijn weer mooie foto's Lisette, gaat het je goed? Aan de natuur van Nieuw Zeeland zal het in ieder geval niet liggen! Liefs Mama

Anonymous said...

hahaha, wat een grappig verhaal van dat gras en de boompjes! Maar te lezen dan he? Wat een prachtige natuur daar zeg! Geniet er nog even van...xregina

Anonymous said...

I knew there was a reason I was taking so long to get here and comment. That last set of pictures made me extremely jealous, since we have nothing but snow and ice here. It's cold and wet and disgusting.

So, how've you been? I haven't seen you on msn lately =( I've been mailing you chapters and I'll be sending you a couple more soon. Let me know if you're getting them, if you get a chance!

*hugs* I miss you!!!
